Less is More | Small is the new Big

We are now in the era of the smartphone, where practically everyone owns one and it is pretty much essential in daily life. In Singapore, up to 90% of the population own a smartphone. The smartphone offers limitless functions and enhances the quality of life for most consumers as it is slowly being integrated with every aspect of life, be it health, shopping, entertainment and work.

As the smartphone becomes an ever essential tool in our lives, most businesses have adopted mobile marketing in their marketing strategy. With mobile marketing, advertising can be done anywhere and anytime unlike physical advertisements which are limited to a fixed location. It seems like mobile marketing is the way to go due to the huge demand and supply.

Today, we will talk about how Mobile Apps are successfully used in the mobile marketing world. Retailers like Uniqlo or Adidas have launched a mobile app to enhance a consumer’s experience when shopping with them. These apps offer various exclusive discounts and rewards while providing a personalized experience for the user.

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Many eCommerce apps, like Shopee, have also sprung up in the past decade to bridge sellers with customers. The app offers a very user friendly interface that even consumers from the older generation like my grandfather managed to pick up! A very social shopping experience is also promised as users can interact with sellers before a purchase and even compare prices. Furthermore, the app provides mild entertainment in the form of games that can actually earn a user vouchers or discounts for their purchases. The success of special cash-backs and promotions like the 11.11 day sale is also the story of how an eCommerce app successfully brought the “Great Singapore Sale” to an online platform.

Many brands have actually realised how cost efficient it is to run a store via eCommerce platforms and how much easier it is for them to market to consumers who have similar interests as their products via these apps. Just like how the smartphone has integrated with our lives over time, apps like Shopee have begun offering digital vouchers at a cheaper price apart from the eCommerce segment of their services.

In the current era and the light of Covid-19’s impact on the world, mobile marketing will definitely see huge changes as the world is forced to develop digitally at a greater pace. For brands to keep up, they would have to be vigilant for new trends and be fluid in adapting to new strategies.

Do share your thoughts about this with me in the comment section below! Ciao~