What You See is What You Get

Picture yourself in a coffeehouse with a close friend discussing the most popular bags from Hermès. Now picture yourself heading home on that same day on a taxi and while scrolling through your social media feeds, you are bombarded with advertisements related to Luxury handbags and accessories.

These are the aftereffects of digital analytics done to analyse a consumer’s lifestyles and behaviour to present the most relevant products that these algorithms have deemed for the individual. Digital analytics are widely utilised by businesses to match with consumers who have interests in similar products. For avid internet consumers like me, this has certainly been an effective marketing tactic as I come across advertisements on social media and websites all the time.

And it doesn’t just stop there. Many businesses have incorporated search engine optimisation in their marketing strategies. Search engine optimisation allows products to be displayed with priority whenever an individual searches for something relevant. For example, googling the word ‘jacket’ would show E-commerce websites such as ASOS or Pomelo Fashion at the very top of the search results. With the right words attached, companies have the ability to be the instant answer to any consumer’s searches. This is why companies pay as much as SGD2,900 for consultation on search engine optimisation.

The price of such consultations are not even inclusive of what companies pay google, as there are also Pay Per Click (PPC) costs incurred. Average sized companies can actually spend up to a whopping USD9,000- USD10,000 simply on google ads. So why do companies do it? With the right SEO and PPC, companies can see a returns on investments of up to 700%.

To end off, the combination of digital analytics and SEO is definitely a wonder in the marketing universe! There are definitely many businesses that can attest to the effectiveness of paying high prices to focus advertising to the right consumers.

Do share your thoughts about this with me in the comment section below! Ciao~

8 thoughts on “What You See is What You Get”

  1. It is scary how effective this method of marketing is as search results and even random advertisements show me products that are catered to me. Just like your previous post on the internet of things, this shows the power of data that is processed and streamlined into everyday life. The bright side of this is that advertising clutter is removed from a consumer’s vision and they will always be seeing things that would appeal to them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Aaron! As a marketing student, I do believe that the rewards of this far outweigh the risks! As consumer behaviour and preferences are collected, this helps many industries in knowing which is the next step to take and what do their customers want. It is also easier for companies to identify their competition with the use of SEO, so as to adjust their business strategies.


  2. Couldn’t agree more and yes, as a fellow consumer here i noticed the ads too! I would also click on them whenever any ads capture my attention. For businesses, i think its definitely a smart move that they implement SEO.


    1. Hey Char, for sure 🙂 SEO can definitely provide a better experience for both users and businesses and it is also cost efficient as compared to other traditional forms of marketing!


  3. Well, even Facebook does this which got them into trouble. This is like the next new weapon in town.

    The issue about such ads, is that the psychological impact on the viewers are not outright known to them. They might assumed that it is the norm and swipe it under the rag, but little do they know that they are being fed with the idealism of getting her next handbag.


    1. Hi jha093, I definitely fall victim to the effectiveness of digital analytics, so I can understand why many consider this to be a “weapon” of marketing! I do believe that data in the right hands can be used to do so much good and in this case it would help in providing consumers with the best version of any products based on proper data analysis.


  4. Digital analytics and SEO does bring wonders to our lives, as it creates more efficiency by narrowing down on our preferences. Not only they are cost-effective but these strategies are widely used by many companies and organisations. A very informative article on digital analytics and SEO. Thanks for the amazing article post.


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