Best of Both Worlds

In this current era, the talk of the town is digitalisation. The crucial question to be asked here is how digitalisation is being incorporated into a company’s integrated marketing campaign (IMC). To answer this question, we will look at the success of the famous Korean make-up brand : Pony Effect.

Pony Makeup Instagram | Saubhaya Makeup
Image Source: Her World

Pony Effect started when a popular Korean make up artist and Youtuber, known as Pony decided to launch her own make-up brand. The marketing strategy behind Pony Effect began with videos of make-up tutorials posted on Pony’s Instagram and Youtube channel. The key highlights of this is that Pony was able to demonstrate the versatility of her products through various different looks and also the constant interactions that Pony has with her fans on these social media posts.

5 Items From K-Beauty Brand Pony Effect Tried & Tested — Yay Or Neigh?
Image Source: 8Days

The other side of Pony Effect’s integrated marketing campaign involves special promotional event, where Pony herself appeared to carry out make-up demonstrations and to answer questions from fans and interested consumers. These physical events, some of which were only available to invited guests, helped Pony make-up in creating an interactive and exclusive vibe to the brand identity.

Pony, trendsetter of K-beauty
Image Source: Kpop Herald

The benefits of setting up physical stores or pop-up booths help in generating attention to a wider market segment. In Pony Effect’s sense, it may have helped in attracting women who were less active on Social Media. Physical stores are also able to complement digital marketing as the hands-on experience gives a form of continuity to consumers who have come across these digital advertisements. Further, Pony’s appearance at these physical events helped provide the image that she is very involved in all stages of the make up line.

Hallyu power] Pony, trendsetter of K-beauty
Image Source: The Korea Herald

The success of Pony Effect is evidence that a successful marketing campaign in the beauty industry has to involve both online and offline aspects as consumers would like to test products to see which is more suitable. Thus, omni-channel marketing like what Pony has done with her make-up line is often implemented to ensure that customer’s queries are addressed via various touch points.

Do share your thoughts about this with me in the comment section below! Ciao~